Can you sense my frustration?

>> Sunday, March 25, 2007

Some people probably already know that this is my style (especially when we're near the end of a school term). When I get frustrated, I just take out all the subbing progresses and go in hiding (simply becoming non-responsive - not reading messages and not responding to them). However, Zahra has convinced me to clarify everything to the public just in case I do go in hiding for the next 2-3 weeks.

When releases get stuck like this, you're NOT the only one who is frustrated. I've already done all that I can to keep the projects moving. If the current situation is a result of my bad organization, I admit my fault, I apologize to everyone for this, and I am trying my best to resolve it.

If you want me to describe the current situation, then we have met a bottleneck. I hope that you can understand how things have become very unpredictable when we near the end of a school term. I have to wait for the completion of each part just like you do. However, it is unfair and impolite to ask a subber who is currently subbing a part to SPEED UP their subbing progress and neglect their school work.

Being the person I am, I would NEVER take a new project if we don't have the ability to do so. Why does My Lucky Star seem to be moving while the others are not? The first few episodes just happen to be subbed by subbers who has free time. At the current state, cutting a project down will not speed up the OTHER releases. Things are progressing, but just not as promptly as before.

We are not lacking subbers to complete projects because if we are, then we could simply recruit for more. It is our system that is the cause of this delay. However, it is this very system that works best for us for both organizing and producing quality subs. No design is perfect, and there is always a trade-off to everything (quality versus speed). I am sorry that we cannot meet the demands of all our viewers...

Thanks to those who have been understanding and patiently waiting for our releases :)


A. Newby March 26, 2007 12:04 AM  

Take your time guys, as long as it gets done.. thats all that matters. If it take 4 weeks or even longer to get the school work done, then so be it. I personally would rather have quality instead of larger number of eps, that come out with bad sub.

I fully understand.. right now, I am running out of my own time, doing graphic work for people, and trying to get everything together to move to Alaska so I can start school in the fall.. I had no idea this much work was involved.

Anonymous,  March 26, 2007 12:40 AM  

Guys, I can't thanked you enough for subbing Hana kimi especially. The quality of your subs are really commendable. Go on, take your time.
And for the rest of us, please give them some breathing space.

Anonymous,  March 26, 2007 1:19 AM  

Hey! Hey!

As a semi-fresh graduate, I remember how life during finals can be extremely tough! I'm sure everyone else will agree with me, but we totally appreciate what you guys do since you are taking time out of your lives to sub episodes for us in a language that a lot of us don't understand. *bows* Thank you so much for all you have done!

We know that life gets in the way and we'll be waiting for you when you decide to come back! ^^

danee c. March 26, 2007 1:20 AM  

i really don't think you need to apologize for something you do for other people, especially something like subbing dramas which takes an immense amount of time. so take your time and please know that you are appreciated. :DD

Anonymous,  March 26, 2007 2:48 AM  

i just wanted to thank you again for sublime's quality work. i don't mind waiting for quality. and wish you good luck on surviving the school term. lord knows i'm already swamped in it, and i don't even have subbing projects to deal with.

Unknown March 26, 2007 4:06 AM  

as a uni. student i totally understand where your coming from. keeping up with school is very important. take your time with subbing. I totally appericate yew guys subbin for hana kim. yew guys are doing an awesome job! keep it up. buh make sure yew guys do what is more important to yew! *add oil!* and good luck with the skool work load! just dont over work yourselves! take care

Anonymous,  March 26, 2007 4:39 AM  

Well, we'll just greet your returns with lots of fanfare then. ;) Thanks for all the hard work so far!!

Anonymous,  March 26, 2007 7:19 AM  

You know... I've just downloaded, watched and posted about the 10 eps you finished so far from HanaKimi.
And no matter how much I wait for the subs, I must say, your schoolwork comes first. And after schoolwork comes your health and all the other issues of your real life. ... only after those come all the work with subbing.
Please take a rest. :3
...And thank you for your work so far ^_^/

Anonymous,  March 26, 2007 5:23 PM  

First of all I just want to thank you guys for the great work that you are doing.

These are FANSUBS afterall...It isn't like this is a regular job. As much as everyone wants that instant gratification. Everyone has other things to do than to cater to someone elses needs.

Take all the time you need to finish what is important for you right now....

We will still be here when you get back...Good Luck!!!

Anonymous,  March 26, 2007 5:38 PM  

thats ok! as long as it gets done, take whatever time you need!
(I live for hana kimi lol)

and thanks again for your efforts!

I'll be waiting for your return, like most of us will!

take care and good luck with finals!

Anonymous,  March 26, 2007 7:27 PM  

Take your time! I've been watching Hana-Kimi and you're doing a great job. Thank you :)

Anonymous,  March 26, 2007 8:42 PM  

You guys are awesome. Don't stress what a bunch of selfish, impatient people have been whining about. Take your time. We know you guys aren't slackers. We're all really thankful for your hard work. Good luck on your school work. We share your pain on that topic. Do your best! Your fans are cheering you on

Anonymous,  March 26, 2007 10:10 PM  

Everything I can say has already been said...sadly enough. Take your time man, we can wait. What you guys are doing is something purely selfless and all in it for the fans. Thanks so much.

Anonymous,  March 26, 2007 10:37 PM  

Ahh, you really deserve some rest!
You guys entertain us, it's fair that you get what you need :]
and good luck with everything!
I understand, it's hard for me sometimes too! :]

Anonymous,  March 26, 2007 11:19 PM  

i don't mind waiting, you guys must focus on your schoolwork of course.
good luck!

Henry March 27, 2007 12:16 AM  

How can some people be so ungrateful.
Hope you guys take your time, maybe you should finish subbing one series after another.

Anonymous,  March 27, 2007 12:55 AM  

Dear Fufu,

You don't need to apologise for anything. Viewers should be grateful that you are offering to sub series for them at all, so don't feel bad. There is no reason in the world to neglect one's studies, and it is very mature of you to acknowledge that and point it out to others that are otherwise inclined. Patience is a virtue that unfortunately not everyone has, so don't be too hard on yourself. Wishing you all the best :)

Superfanatic Janafreak March 27, 2007 1:04 PM  

I'm just grateful that someone is making it possible for me to watch such adorable shows as HanaKimi, even if it isn't a quick process. I'd rather have happy subbers with good grades and a slower release time on projects than unhappy subbers who get unhappy enough not to sub anymore. Really, you're doing us all a community service and if anyone is getting on you and the other subbers' cases about having a life outside of this then they ought to go poo themselves in public. The shame!!! haha :P
But thank you for what you've done so far (I'm hugely, hugely thankful) and good luck to everyone with their school work!

Anonymous,  March 27, 2007 6:49 PM  

THANK YOU for all that you guys do. School comes first. Your LIVES come first. I'm grateful that you even take the time to sub and share these great dramas with us, so keep doing what you're doing. Thank you!

Anonymous,  March 27, 2007 7:11 PM  

Well i feel what you college right? i'm happy mine just finish last week..but take your time..i know how it feels..btw..if your wondering i'm a highschool student/college student. ahaha.

Anonymous,  March 28, 2007 12:14 AM  

Take all the time you need please! I'm just thankful there are people like you who do a great job. Thank you!

Anonymous,  March 28, 2007 4:42 AM  

How can people be so cruel and demand you to be FASTER?! I truly understand that school IS more important in this matter and I fully support you!!!

I hope everything works out in school ~ and I will paticently wait for new episodes ~ FIGHTOO!!!!

Anonymous,  March 28, 2007 10:28 AM  

I just want to say thank you for everything. I am sure we all appreciate your had work and taking your own free time to sub.

I don't care if it takes you a million years (well, maybe not that long lol) to finish, because I am just happy to know that I will eventually be able to watch these great shows and you are saving me from having to study Chinese.

So thanks again, and take your time. Time = perfection + quality

Anonymous,  March 28, 2007 8:55 PM  

no no don't take you time geez like COME ON .... there there -pat- -pat- ; do what you see fit ... you know i was joking with the not taking you time right heh -___-^

Anonymous,  March 28, 2007 9:28 PM  

Take as long as you want~ I know how it's like (but it drawing pics for me).

Anonymous,  March 29, 2007 5:06 AM  

all of us will wait ^^ .im very happy when u said not to cut these projects.time is no problem :))

Anonymous,  March 29, 2007 9:17 AM  

It's really great how all of you guys use your free time to help sub this stuff for us. Hopefully other fans are able to understand the situation and be mature about it. Kudos to you guys for all your awesome work!

Hana March 29, 2007 12:15 PM  

Hey guys... School (work, whatevers) does come first. So take your time...
Thanks for all the awesome work.

Anonymous,  March 30, 2007 11:49 PM  

The fact that you guys are subbing Hana Kimi for us (those who have difficulty understanding the drama without subtitles) is enough. And I don't think you guys should be punished with stress because viewer want to see these dramas. So take your time. As long as you don't decide to give up or anything, and continue subbing, I, personally, can wait as long as I need to to have a complete collection of a well subbed, good quality Hana Kimi.

Again, thank you guys for subbing this project.

lunatwinkle March 31, 2007 3:26 AM  

its ok, i'm in college too. school can get so crazy sometimes. just take your time and relax. seems like you really need it!

great job so far, thanks so much for all your hard work so far. it's sooo greatly appreciated for us who don't understand chinese. lol :)

Anonymous,  March 31, 2007 11:08 PM  

It's okay ^_______^ Take your rest so you can have enough strength to get an A+++++! And maybe a few subbings lol =D


Anonymous,  April 01, 2007 5:56 AM  

actually dont worry.. it's not as bad as how fufu put it lol! but just missing a few timers and translators but we've been recruiting and everything will go back on track (=

Anonymous,  April 02, 2007 3:03 PM  

I don't think you are the one should be saying sorry because you guys are the ones who are giving us the subs and videos with high quality. People should know that you also have a life and not just subbing and encoding things ALL THE TIME.
Anyways, take as long as you want (: i can wait as long as you want.

Anonymous,  April 03, 2007 1:28 PM  

don't worry about releasing it slow..because.. i'm already happy that people are spending their time and effort to sub this.. i wouldn't be able to enjoy drama's without fansubber so.. thank u so much fansubbers =D
just take your time.. school is important and busy enough.. soo =)

i really enjoy watching your subbed drama's
thank uu all =D

Anonymous,  April 03, 2007 6:28 PM  

I am waiting patiently for the sub although sometimes I can get a little crazy when I see people discussing about the ending to Hana Kimi. But I'm willing to wait for good quality english sub from you guys. Thank you for everything.

Anonymous,  April 03, 2007 9:03 PM  

i can understand how u feel. plus, i would be waaaay too lazy to do wat ur doing even if i could so i reaaally appreciate all ur hard work for us

Anonymous,  April 04, 2007 7:51 PM  

You gooo guys! Take the time you need! xD~ Thanks for everything and good luck! \o/~

Anonymous,  April 16, 2007 2:12 PM  

i went here to have some news because i didn't see any new release of Hanakimi though you were really fast at the beginning, i'm glad that everything is okay and that it's just delaying because you are all occupied with your lives. You've done a great job until now and were really fast so now take your time, we'll be waiting patiently for new great subbed episodes. take care !

Anonymous,  April 17, 2007 8:36 PM  

hiii! i just wanted to say thanks so much for ur hard work on youtube... and take ur time..ur doing a great job! Anyways i was jw
if any of u have ever watched "Devilbesideyou?" well i heard their making something called "exchanged love" with rainie and her coactor from DBY... and maybe u could see if u could upload that when u have time if u know about it and maybe sky of love too? but if u cant thats ok.. im just asking. well thankx 4 ur work so far! and can u please let me know! im one of ur friends on youtube. "BabiGurl412294" if u have time please get back to me on it! =)

Amy October 24, 2008 2:14 PM  

great drama luv it!hope to see jimmy and hana in more dramas together!

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