Summer's Desire EP8...and...and....

>> Wednesday, July 21, 2010

TORRENT...cuz that's how paula likes it!

So we successfully set up a new staff subbing forum, although we've probably lost quite a number of past subbers :( 

Anyway, you're all probably more worried about our progress.  Here's another not-so-great news.  M-line, our timer, is in the process of moving (to a different city), and will be without internet for...possibly weeks.  Therefore, there may be delays in our releases.


SUBlimers please read!

>> Thursday, July 15, 2010

Yes, our staff subbing forum is GONEEEEEEEEE.  Alright, I tried my best to fish out your emails for those who have been subbing since last drama (AC).  Check your emails!  Sorry if I missed anybody.  If you're alive and didn't get an email from me, please please email sublimesfansubs AT gmail DOT com !

BTW, we are also looking for writers for CpopAccess.  If you're interested, drop us an email at cpopaccess AT gmail DOT com!  (Click here for details)


Summer's Desire episode 7 is now on TORRENT!

Your only choice is to download from the torrent...

- Was the encode checked? Nope.
- Did Akuma check to see if the file is in sync? Nope.
- Has this been uploaded to Megaupload? Nope.
- Did Akuma upload the episode to youtube yet? Nope.

(Venetian Macao!)


Summer's Desire episode 6 MU and UT links

>> Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Here's episode 6!

Megaupload link:

Click "read more" for utoooooob.......

Part 1/7

Part 2/7

Part 3/7

Part 4/7

Part 5/7

Part 6/7

Part 7/7


Summer's Desire episode 5 utoob

>> Friday, July 02, 2010

We've had some bad experiences with veoh, so we ruled out that idea... Thanks for all the suggestions so far, and I've decided to give his unlisted option a try.  But just an FYI, these videos are NOT on our main channel.  After a group discussion (that pauli missed), we agreed not to endanger the rest of our existing videos.  Therefore, all Summer's Desire episodes will be uploaded on this separate channel (because if the sublimes channel gets another strike, that channel will be gone forever).  Anyway, I'm way over my internet usage allowance, so I can only upload episode 5 for now.  If this episode doesn't get removed by next week, we'll continue this way.

Alright, let's give this a try...

Part 1/7

Part 2/7

Part 3/7

Part 4/7

Part 5/7

Part 6/7

Part 7/7


Summer's Desire youtube episodes GONE!..... NOOOOOOOOOOO....

>> Thursday, July 01, 2010

The worst has happened to our streaming fans.  Not long after we had episode 5 uploaded and made public on our channel, we received a notice to have all of our Summer's Desire episodes to be removed.  We are trying hard to think of a solution...(if you've got any, please reply in comments).  In the meantime, please download the episodes and watch them on your very own PC in HQ!

***Please refrain from uploading the episodes to streaming yourself.  Thanks!


Summer's Desire episode 5

Youtube streaming:



© Simple n' Sweet 2009 & SUBlimes Fansubs 2010