>> Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Paula just confessed that the wrong recaps (front previews) have been spliced into MLS 11. We didn't notice it until today. I personally just thought, "wow, it must be long since I QC'ed episode 10." And it just kinda looked familiar to Paula.

>deep breath<


The original file actually didn't come with any recaps of the previous episode. Since we wanted to make our hardsubbed file "complete", we decided to splice in the recaps from another source file. Things happen and...yeah...harhar

So just ignore the front part. No v2 will be released.


My Lucky Star episode 11 released!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> Monday, September 24, 2007

click here to warp to download page

The plot is getting exciting, so don't miss out on this release ;)

That dragon ball Z reference took hours to figure out, which I'm still not very sure whether we have those characters referrenced correctly, since none of us actually watch or have watched dragon ball... -_-;;; Oh well, all you need to know is that it was a popular thing to collect those anime cards back in Tian Qi and Tian Jun's childhood days (do kids still collect those cards these days?)

Anyway, go head on over to download the episode already!


My Lucky Star Episode 10

>> Thursday, September 20, 2007

Yup, My Lucky Star Episode 10 (torrent over @ D-Addicts)



>> Monday, September 10, 2007

yeah i know it's been a long time, but we released some stuff on D-A today. enjoy!


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