
>> Monday, January 26, 2009

Please leave comments or questions unrelated to specific projects here.

If you would like a private reply, please leave your contact information with your comment. However, there is no guarantee that we will EVER reply.
Do not repeat a question. There will be no point in spending your time asking something repetitively.


ivy26 January 27, 2009 12:53 AM  

hi just wanna thank you for subbing miss no good and wilber pan's shows and mv's! you guys rock!

anyways,if you have time to spare please sub this video for us i mean wil's fans,

heard it was funny!
thanks and more power!
happy new year!

karen January 27, 2009 9:30 AM  

@ivy26: oh yeah, I have that video. It was okay... It takes a tremendous amount of time to sub a variety show. Hence, we can't take any requests because we can't fulfill them.

In addition, I am hoping to take another drama project soon. If the project works out, there will be less time for variety.

Have you watched this one yet?

Sumitra February 12, 2009 7:41 PM  

There is a problem with 'Miss No Good Episode 9'...Whenever I click it, it will read 'We're sorry but this video is no longer availble'... I tried more than once. What is wrong? Can you please fix it? I've been trying to find this episode...but I just disagree with the other videos posted. Anyways, I think SUBlimesFansubs is great!!! You guys really worked hard! but please fix Miss No Good Episode 9 not just for me but for the youtube community. Thanks So Much!

karen February 13, 2009 8:46 AM  

@confused_panda: There's nothing to fix, it's working perfectly fine. Please check your connection / reload the page / try another day. We also offer multiple solutions. If the stream is not working, you may choose to download the actual file through DDL / torrent.

Did you know? By watching the entire episode on youtube, you end up downloading 2/3 of the file already!

Anonymous,  February 22, 2009 3:31 AM  

Hi! Can you post download links to the Leehom videos you translated? I'm definitely not going to repost them or anything but just would love to keep a copy for myself. If you can do me this favor, I and (I'm sure tons of other fans) would really appreciate it. Thanks!!!

*Asianstar* February 24, 2009 4:02 AM  

So wanted to say I'm a fan of your fansubs and enjoying the dramas you guys pick to sub. Love the new layout!

Unknown March 02, 2009 3:39 PM  

Hi, sorry to bother you I know you're busy however.....

Im a final year BA International Journalism student at a university in the UK and I’m writing an article on the rise in fansubbing online and how more people are watching media not in their first language.

I decided to write this kind of article because I myself have watched asian dramas/films etc. for years (thank you etc. HAHA)yet it is not common here in the UK and most people wonder why you bother when theres “stuff you can watch on tv where you dont need subs”….I want to write about how more people should watch different programmes from different countries.

The interview will only take 5 minutes and I can do it via email/msn. Also usernames/nicknames can be used to protect identity. I will also email you my completed article (and link) for you to see the completed work.

Any help, even pointing me in another direction, would be of great help!


Katie (contact:

Anonymous,  March 17, 2009 4:58 PM  

What happened to 18 jin bu jin? I only got to watch a couple of episodes and poof, its gone. Is it coming back?

Unknown March 19, 2009 3:10 AM  

yehh i thought there will be more 18 jin bu jin but yeh it's gone. nothing left of the show on the whole site. interesting...

Da-Ongoing March 19, 2009 11:33 AM  

im shock.. what happen to 18 jin bu jin? its incomplete T_T i want to watch it..

有明 / Ariake March 21, 2009 2:56 PM  


I'm from Mexico and I want to talk with someone of your team, the reason it's because in Doramamex fansub (a mexican and latinamerican fansub team) we want to add spanish subtitles to Miss No Good and we know that you do that Tdrama so we wanna ask you if sublime fansub can borrow us the english subs.

I hope you can answer me soon. Thank you for reading.

You can contact me by mail or in the adrress of Doramamex fansub's forum

I really really hope you can answer me ^^

Unknown March 25, 2009 2:42 PM  

i downloaded the 5 ep of hana kimi but the windows media cant play it, what codecs or player could i use?

Anonymous,  March 27, 2009 8:55 AM  

Any of the staffs even check these questions?

Well i just want to know what's up with 18 jin bu jin, looks like it's completely erased from the site with all signs on existence carefully removed

Unknown March 30, 2009 6:46 PM  

It's sad I waited over a year excited for new eps and now it's completely erased from the site because some people are so rude and inconsiderate...

I'm pretty disappointed but oh well.

Eva April 10, 2009 7:49 PM  

I <3 ur dramas
but i was just wondering whether i could help w/ subbing?
if so... how? (like program, etc.)

Zahra April 15, 2009 7:31 PM  

Thanks for the offer, but we are currently not recruiting. :)

Anonymous,  April 19, 2009 11:21 PM  

Um so what should people do if they wanna watch the 18 censored or not episodes subbed by you guys?

Unknown May 01, 2009 5:35 PM  

Hi guys!

I have the same question like Aurora Cecilia :)

I'm from Poland, I'm translator from Hanakuor&BakaFansubs. And I want to do polish subs to Miss no Good. And could you make your subtitle of Miss no Good available to me? I will be really thankful. :)

Here is my e-mail:
Here is my forum site:

I will be really grateful, if you answer me soon.

Hope May 13, 2009 7:41 AM  

thank you for your hard work , but i have something to ask u
we are a new fansub who translate asian dramas to arabic so i would like _ if you agree _ to give us the soft subs to translate it into arabic
could you help us plz with drama My Lucky Star , & we will promise you we will never give this files to anyone , we will release it as hardsub only & of course we will credits you & link your blog to ours , i know that you may refuse , but you are out only hope , we asked you for help because we have no timer in our team , so it will be great favor if you agree
you can know a bout us here
thanx again & please think about it

here is our e mail

i hope you would replay me soon

karen May 13, 2009 10:13 AM  

@smile: please check email.

Anonymous,  May 15, 2009 9:41 PM  

I absolutely love this show. Unfortunately I can't use the soft subs with real media player because I have a MAC OS X...

I tried following your instructions very closely and installing the programs you mentioned, such as Win MPlayer Classic, but it still won't work.

I am willing to contribute to your Paypal account if possible, if I can just get these to play on my MAC!

Please consider this request.

Zahra May 15, 2009 10:06 PM  

We do not ask/seek for monetary donations/profit. Fansubs are meant to be free.

Windows Media Player Classic is for Windows only. To play srt + rmvb on Macs, you can use the suggested MPlayer.

Here's a nice tutorial for it:

Enjoy. =)

Hope May 18, 2009 6:27 PM  

hello Fufu
i sent you e mail check it out

a_pinch_of_nutmeg May 18, 2009 11:38 PM  

I just wanted to thank you guys for all your hard work - your subs are AMAZING and the videos are always high quality. Thank you for posting them and also for being so responsive to any requests. Just thank you in general for making all these series and subs available. You guys are awesome!

Spring - It's me [CE][Sa] May 21, 2009 2:30 PM  

I just want to thank you for all the subs
In the future, we will have the film "Just want depends on you" of Ella and Jerry
Would you subbe it for me, plz!
I think people will love this drama
If you agree, plz mail for me at

Anonymous,  May 21, 2009 7:30 PM  

^Please read our FAQ section:

We do not accept requests to sub any dramas. ;D

Unknown May 28, 2009 5:01 AM  

where do you get the original video for black and white? i would like to get the full resolution(tv broadcast)of the episodes. I worked on the show on the stunt team(mike wilson), but I live in the US, so I can only see the show online. If there is some way I could get full quality dvd's (not rmvb) of the episodes i would really appreciate it - thanks!

Unknown May 29, 2009 1:20 PM  


Could someone please help me with a problem that I have when trying to watch Black and White. I use MPC, followed the instruction on how to play sub. However, there is no sound even though the sub is in. What can i do to solve this problem?

Thank you for the help

Zahra May 30, 2009 4:42 PM  

@mike - The show is still currently airing and we can only obtain rmvbs. If you would like the dvds, then please purchase the set when it has been released.

@Tram - Is there sound when you don't use the subs?

Unknown May 30, 2009 10:04 PM  

The is no sound even when i dont play the sub. however, if i use real player (which cant play sub), there is sound

Anonymous,  June 02, 2009 2:56 PM  

hello ^^
I am french and my name is Vinittha...I needs help....for the drama Miss no Goood...I needs the raw and sub for the drama...beacause my team frenh translate this drama in french...can you help me ?
contact me in my mail adress and msn adres :

Unknown June 27, 2009 6:29 AM  

hi, great job in all the subbing!

will u all consider to sub hot shot? understand that u dun take in requests. just an enquiry.

thanks! :)

Anonymous,  June 30, 2009 6:34 AM  

Hello guys!
Firstly, I want to thank you for your hard and great job with subs. I really enjoy them.
Secondly, I am from Poland and I would like to translate Corner with Love to my language. I would be really grateful if you could send me softsubs for this drama. I really want to translate this show and you are my only hope to manage to do that. You will make many people happy including me.
I will be in heaven if you agree to help me :D. I am willing to agree to any terms so please respond to my message.
My email:

Anonymous,  September 06, 2009 9:08 PM  

i'm really sorry to bother you, but i can't seem to find the direct download links to "Magicians of Love" anymore -____-"

is it deleted? if not can i get the link?


Unknown September 17, 2009 2:08 PM  

Hello guys!
Firstly, I want to thank you for your hard and great job with subs. I really enjoy them.
Secondly, I am from French and I would like to translate Hana Kimi to my language. I would be really grateful if you could send me softsubs for this drama. I really want to translate this show and you are my only hope to manage to do that. You will make many people happy including me.
I will be in heaven if you agree to help me :D. I am willing to agree to any terms so please respond to my message.
My email:

Crystal Do October 23, 2009 8:45 AM  

Hi guys! I've recently encountered one annoying problem that I've downloaded the REAL ALTERNATIVES and used it to play the film "Black and White". Unfortunately, I have no idea why I can't hear anything,but I can load successfully the subtitle with the video. I've tried many ways to figure out the solution for this problem but it didn't work. PLease help me to find out why the video has no sound at all. Thanks a lot!

icelmar November 07, 2009 3:27 AM  

hi! your site is awesome.. please continue subbing AUTUMN'S CONCERTO. i love the story.. i kinda relate to the story sort of... im really looking forward to episode 5 and the rest of the guys are really great keep rocking... hope i can download every episode in megaupload. thanks a lot

Trinh Ha December 02, 2009 8:09 AM  

Hi, I love the dramas you guys do. And I was wondering how can one become part of the team and help out?

Zahra December 03, 2009 5:35 AM  

Please shoot us an email to sublimesfansubs [at] .

Anonymous,  December 06, 2009 10:47 PM  

Hi! First of all, I want to thank you guys for all you do! I know you all have a life outside of subbing and I'm really thankful you guys put your time and effort in doing this for us. I'm just wondering if you guys have a page where you update your progress/status on episodes for dramas (Autumn's Concerto)? If not, I think it'll be great if you guys can make one. It'll put us (grateful, addicted fans) at ease when we know the progress of things. Plus, you guys will get less of the "When is ___ coming out?" ;D Just a suggestion.

calfansub December 08, 2009 7:52 PM  


I am part of a spanish fansub,
We are really interested to translate Autumn's Concerto so I’d like to ask you permission to translate it into spanish but I don't know if you send softsubs

This is our mail:

Thanks for reading

Crystal Do December 08, 2009 8:46 PM  

HI! I've encountered a problem relating to the media player classic. I downloaded it to play the drama "Black and white". I also joined successfully the subtitle into the drama. However, there was no sound from the movie and I had no idea why it was like this. So if anyone know how to fix it, please tell me. Thanks a lot ^^

[messy.h] that's the way!! December 29, 2009 5:22 AM  

Hi, For Autumn concerto episode 6 the download torrent seems to be down. When i press down load, it shows error. Is there anything i can do to solve? Thanks

Anonymous,  January 05, 2010 8:05 PM  

I've downloaded Autumn's Concerto Episode 1-3 via Megaupload. But I can't seem to delete them. I have administrative rights to the laptop but I just can't delete? PLease help me.

Anonymous,  January 05, 2010 8:05 PM  

I've downloaded Autumn's Concerto Episode 1-3 via Megaupload. But I can't seem to delete them. I have administrative rights to the laptop but I just can't delete? PLease help me.

stargazer January 09, 2010 4:35 PM  

I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right place so please excuse me. I was wondering if you can reupload Miss No Good episode 13, there's seems to be an audio problem with the clip. I had a friend check it out too. It's all jumpy in Quicktime and VLC, one minute there's sound and then the rest becomes totally mute. I appreciate for the reupload. Thanks for all your hard work!

Kavlia January 11, 2010 7:03 AM  

I write from Hungary and I want to ask that can you give me srt. or ass. files because I want to translate Miss No Good?
I like this series and there are lot of taiwanese drama's fanatics in Hungary so I want to make Hun subs to them.
I really hope that I get a permission from you!
Please give me the files, if you have. (I'm makeing Hi My Sweetheart Hun sub too. I really love Rainie Act!)
If you can, my email address is this:
I hope that I don't bother with my question here but I didn't find this homepage email address.. :S

Anonymous,  January 12, 2010 6:36 PM  

Hey guys, I really hope you don't find this rude or presumptuous because I really don't mean to do so. I know it clearly says you don't take requests for subbing and I fully respect that and that's the way it should be. Still, I was hoping I could suggest a drama? Vic Zhou's currently airing The Last Night of Madam Chin. It's so BEAUTIFUL and it's not got any HQ files anywhere, which seems criminal! Even just softsubs like with B&W would be beyond amazing. Again, sorry if this pisses you guys off but I figured, ZaiZai's magic makes things happen.

Unknown January 22, 2010 9:12 AM  

could you tell me if automn'S concerto have a episod 16 please...or it's stop at 15...thanks...could you send me the others...

matsulea January 28, 2010 2:13 AM  

hi guys!!! thank you for subbing Autumn Concerto... but just wanted to ask... why are u guys using .mp4 file, instead of .avi or .mpg file??? just asking because it's really giving me a hard time converting them before i could watch them... no offense... and thanks for the subs...^_________^

zybeel January 31, 2010 8:06 PM  

Last night I was watching videos through my phone and I couldn't watch the episodes because there's no mobile version of it. I hope you can fix this as I really like to watch dramas through my phone especially at night. Thank you for you're hard work and I really appreciate it. As a subber myself, I'm amazed on how you sub your videos. ^_^


Anonymous,  February 07, 2010 3:17 PM  

Dear SUBlimesFansubs,

Hii!! I'm one of your supporters, I watched most of the dramas you uploaded. ^^ I just finished watching Hana Kimi on friday, and I really loved the drama. Thanks for the upload.(: Also, i would like to create a little "short story" that's not in the Hana Kimi storyline, so I'm here to request for permission to use your subbed clips from Hana Kimi and Smiling Pasta in my short story. Please reply asap.Thank you.(:


all about me February 12, 2010 11:29 PM  

thank's to sublimes i was able to watch autumn's concerto with a perfect english guys are awesome..

hope you could also subb "Momo Love" coz i cant find any site that has a great subb on it.

more power to u guys..and again thank you for all of your efforts..

Unknown February 18, 2010 6:44 PM  

hi i want to ask if it is okay to download and then transfer it on a DVD?

Zahra February 20, 2010 8:49 PM  

As long as it's for personal/private use, you are definitely welcome to do so.

Unknown February 23, 2010 10:18 PM  

can you guys sub some songs of 183 club? especially one umbrella, torture, true love, and call my name. I'd appreciated for your hard works and time.
thanks a million!

Anonymous,  March 01, 2010 11:38 AM  

last week I bought a DVD of Hana Kimi at
There is a person who download YOUR sub, transfere it on a DVD and offer this in his/her onlineshop for about 20$.
I don't wanna post the shop's name in public, you can contact me with following e-mail adress: (please don't contact on livejournal)

Anonymous,  March 02, 2010 5:43 AM  

Dear SUBlimes Fansub:

First, I want to thank the work of Autumn's Concerto subtitle ^ ^
I was delighted.

I would ask, if not too much trouble, if I could use your substitulos in hard, to subtitle the series in my language (Spanish)

I know that you only work with hardsubs ^ ^
I have no problem.

I will wait your response.

My email:

Happiness ^^

Lily March 02, 2010 9:49 PM  

so its not illegal to download right? as long as its for personal/home use

Unknown March 06, 2010 1:55 PM  

I heard SUBlimes subbed 18 jin bu jin but I cant find it on here. What happened to it?

Unknown March 07, 2010 3:06 AM  

Dear SUBlimes Fansub:
Thanks for your hard-working.^^

I watched your videos on YouTube.
I wonder how can you upload the full length video without the limitation of 10 mints?
Could you please suggest me how to upload video without the limit?
Hope to receive your reply soon.

BTW,My youtube account is gar0922
Van Ness tweeted about my youtube channel for the trailer of
Autumn's Concerto too..^^



jingjing March 11, 2010 6:57 AM  

hello may i noe if i dl miss no good frm megaupload does the ending of each episode also have the behind the scenes part as soon in youtube?

do get back to me soon thanx =)

Anonymous,  March 28, 2010 7:10 PM  

i just asking if you guy going to subs the BTS of autumns concert

Ji Kin Tang March 28, 2010 11:39 PM  

Hi guys

I've been looking all over and i can't find any site to dl raw taiwanese drama videos. Can you guys PLEASE tell me where i can find them if i wanna download 第二回合我爱你 and PS Man. Thanks!!!

Unknown March 31, 2010 2:39 AM  


I want to thank the work of Miss no Good subtitle =)

I would like to use your subtitles for Russian. Can do this?? I will wait your response. Thanks!=)

My e-mail:

Anonymous,  March 31, 2010 5:40 PM  

Hi :)
I'd like to translate your english subs of the Taiwanese version of Hanakimi. I've read that you allow us to use your hardsubbed videos if there are not softsubs but.. :( It's really really really complicated to "extract" the subtitles from a file :(
Could you please give a me a hand? I know that softs are the first thing you do before hardsubbing so.. could you please lend them to me and my group of subbers?
It's obvious that we will credit your work and we will be thankful to you for eternity!!!
Thanks even if you don't agree.. We like your work :)

My email adresse is



Scott May 15, 2010 2:01 AM  


I have just found out about SUBlimes, and I think it is great. I have been watching the first episode of "Miss No Good." One reason I like it is because my Taiwanese friend told me that it is a good way to learn some useful expressions in Chinese.

I can sometimes understand what people are saying, but sometimes I have to stop and look at the Chinese characters. It is good that I can see them clearly, so that I can get a pencil and write them in my notebook if it is a word I don't know yet. Then I can get out my LCD dictionary and try to write the characters into the dictionary and try to find them, and the proper pronunciation, etc..

But what would be REALLY cool, is if I could get a text file (srt?) of the Chinese subtitles. Then I could use my mouse to copy and paste the new words into a text file, and use my computer's dictionary (mouse pop-up dictionary) to get the pronunciation and meaning. That would be SO much faster than the pencil-and-LCD-dictionary way.

My question: can I download the actual text file with the Chinese characters for a particular series (for example, Miss No Good)???

If that is possible, can someone please give me a link?

This kind of thing is very useful for people learning Chinese. If I can help, please let me know how. I sometimes write subtitles for English and Swedish language films.


Unknown June 06, 2010 1:36 PM  

Hey, I was wondering where you guys got your raw files? I understand Chinese, so I'm actually looking for the unsubbed versions.

My email address is

Thanks in advance!

Anonymous,  June 10, 2010 5:48 PM  

Hi SUBlimes!

I was wondering if there are any Green Forest, My Home subbed files I can download without using the torrents on d-addicts since some of the members started from that project. If so, I will appreciate it greatly ~

By the way, I love your subbing! I've watched a few of the dramas you guys subbed and I've loved it <3

Thank you :D

Anonymous,  June 25, 2010 10:00 PM  

Hi SUBlimes!

thank you for your hard work , but I want to ask that can you give me srt. or ass. files because I want to translate Summer's Desire or Autumn's Concerto .. we will promise you we will never give this files to anyone , we will release it as hardsub only

I like this series

I really hope that I get a permission from you!

here is our e mail

ricecakies July 19, 2010 7:32 PM  

Ive just uploaded Summers desire epi 07 to MU if you guys need it.

ricecakies July 22, 2010 11:38 PM  

"Summers desire epi 07" on MU

ricecakies July 23, 2010 2:28 PM  

oops i meant episode 08*

"Summers desire epi 08" on MU

Anonymous,  July 31, 2010 1:28 AM  

Can I request a drama or something?

Anonymous,  August 09, 2010 9:54 AM  

Hello Great Team,

thank you for all the good dramas.
Now i´m going to follow your blog, beacause i wait for Summer´s Desire Episode 8-10 and i wish that you´ll upload this the time~

LouLou August 12, 2010 1:59 PM  

When do you translate the 9 ep of Summers Desire?

ricecakies August 20, 2010 5:25 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
ricecakies August 20, 2010 5:25 AM  

Summers Desire

epi 09

epi 10

epi 11

ricecakies August 29, 2010 6:11 PM  

summers desire 13

cittycat30 September 19, 2010 3:46 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
cittycat30 September 19, 2010 3:47 AM  


can you please sub they kiss again??


Hikarisaga September 25, 2010 9:17 PM  

SubLimes has uploaded the 14 episode of Summer's Desire, below is the link:

Unknown September 30, 2010 4:58 PM  

thank you for summers desire.
I am having a problem downloading the final episode. i get an error msg that page not available.
i check my internet and it is fine.
can you plz assist me with any suggestions?

thx u

Shamila October 08, 2010 7:08 AM  

will there be update on
Zhong Wu Yen series. . .i wanna watch with english subtitle. . .if possible
thanks for yout time

Unknown October 16, 2010 2:44 PM  

may i ask what happened to your youtube account?
srry i havent watched any dramas in a while and i wanted to see if you guys had anything new but i cant find ur account

Chill November 09, 2010 1:51 AM  

Greetings SUBlimes crew,
I have been wondering is there available to get 18 Jin Bu Jin Episode 1 to 9, donwload link? There's only download link for Episode 10 - 20..

saya13 November 09, 2010 11:48 AM  

First of all, thanks for subbing Gloomy Salad Days, I really want to see it ^^

But, I'd like to know if you do softsubs for this drama, I'd really, really, really, really want this softsubs, it would be great

So, please, I'd like to know

This is my contact mail ^^


Anonymous,  January 26, 2011 8:19 PM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous,  January 28, 2011 9:13 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown March 18, 2011 4:06 PM  

I'm a US fan. Know you don't take requests for sub projects. I recently watched a mainland drama Fight & Love with a Terracotta Warrior starring Ady An, posted on Youtube HD version.
It's really good and I think it would be great to share it with viewers who are NOT Chinese-speaking/reading. I'm willing to help translate after my taxfiling season (4/15/11). Please consider it for future project--sorry to trouble you.

Anonymous,  March 31, 2011 2:06 PM  

May I ask if you are going to sub Sunny Happiness? :) Thank you!

Anonymous,  July 19, 2011 5:49 PM  

Finally I found a place where I can download a taiwanese drama with english sub !!
Thank you very much for such an effort ^^
Wish you all the best in your work

I have a request to ask that I hope you'll put in mind and think about ..
Wu Chun's new drama " sunshine angel " is airing this time and its about to finish .. I really wish to see it with an English subtitle and wish it will be your next project ^^

Thanks again for everything

Unknown July 26, 2011 11:21 PM  


Do you guys mind if I upload your 18 jin bu jin episodes 1-9 onto a torrent site?

I will link to you guys and give credit for episodes 1-9

mnyonywaji September 16, 2011 12:43 PM  

could you please reupload Hana Kimi episode 4 on megaupload (or anything else, except torrent : ))? the link is broken, and recently I realised my copy of the file is broken and I can't watch this episode anymore : )
much love from me : )

karen September 18, 2011 12:36 AM  

^Paula has reuploaded it ;)

Anonymous,  October 10, 2011 1:22 PM  


My name is Annie and I'm one of the Admins of the Blog Doramaniacas.

Doramaniacas (Doramaniacs) is a latin blog about asia entertainment. We also have radio, forum and we just launched our Subbing Squad.

In Doramaniacas we really love your job, so I would like to know if there's a chance that we can use yours srt files to translate them in spanish. Always giving you the proper credit!

In advance thank you so much for reading this and sorry about my english! I know is not that good!

Have a nice day!

نعنـــاعهـ November 19, 2011 4:00 PM  


iam from kuwait

we love your job and your drama

plez put softsubs

we want to translte it


Anonymous,  March 08, 2012 8:12 AM  


Just wanted to let you know that when accessing the main page of your site that a virus/trojan/spyware/bot/script (not quite sure which it is)tries to open and attach itself. Letting you know in case you didn't notice it.

Also, thanks for all your hard work on Skip Beat!

karen March 19, 2012 8:24 AM  

@tiger86: sounds like you have a virus on your computer... I suggest you run a few scans to clean it out.

karen March 19, 2012 9:08 PM  

@shiroverse: Paula says it's fine.

N. Schist May 01, 2012 5:30 PM  

First of all, thank you guys for all you've done <3 Skip Beat was just awesome.

My question: Is there any possible way you'd re-upload Hana Kimi episode 04 and the Chinese New Years special to MediaFire?

Thank you for your time! If it's a bothersome question, apologies beforehand.

Nhiladred May 18, 2012 5:16 PM  

hi i would like a couple of vids to be subbed to english, they are originaly korean but i found those vids in chinese subs, those are the missing vids from mnet super junior show. if it is possible to do, i'll wait for your replay or maybe you can give the contact with another subber group. thanks in advance

XJie July 29, 2012 7:27 AM  

I just want to ask, since you have subbed Hana Kimi Here. Do you have plans on subbing Ella's Movies? (Bad Girls and Perfect two)-- I mean... For us, Ella's fans? Please to reply. Thanks! :D

*Yeah. I'm not forcing you to sub, I just wanna ask.

poohbear98 September 17, 2012 10:38 AM  


I currently have the whole Miss No Good drama but the only drawback is that I don't have the subs. I really like this drama and I hope that you can give me the English subtitles for this. I'm really sorry for taking away your hard work just like that but yeah... I just wanna watch. So if you can please email me the subs. My email is:

Thanks. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Anonymous,  December 20, 2012 2:04 PM  

Would it be possible for someone to seed the Hana Kimi Chinese New Year Special? We're stuck at 84.5% with no seeders for at least a month.

Unknown May 18, 2013 5:33 PM  

Can anyone seed "Corner with love" batch torrent. Stuck at 97%

Thank you.

Unknown January 03, 2014 4:50 AM  

Hi there, I randomly thought of you.. greets to everyone in sublime team :))

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