Can you sub [insert drama name]?
No, SUBlimes does not accept requests to sub any dramas.
How do I view .srt files with .rmvb files?
Real Alternative Method::
You MUST install
Real Alternative (which is a codec that lets you play real media files without real media player). Media Player Classic (MPC) comes with Real Alternative when you install it. Open MPC, drag the .rmvb file into the player, then drag the .srt file into the player right after.
If subtitles are not showing, try the following settings-
1. Go to View > Options, under "Playback", click on "Output".
2. In "DirectShow Video", select "VMR9 (renderless)".
3. Try loading the video and subtitles file again.
Other alternatives:
If you don't like MPC, you can also try other players such as GOMplayer, BSplayer, KMPlayer...etc. If you want to play the subs straight from your Windows Media Player, you can install the CCCP pack, or K-Lite Codec Pack + VobSub.
How do I watch .mp4 files?
The easiest way to go about it is to install the
CCCP filter pack or K-Lite Codec Pack and then use your favorite media player to play the file. We recommend using
GOMplayer or
VLC player to play the files.
If you do not want to install the CCCP filter pack, then you can manually install
ffdshow and
Haali's Matroska Splitter yourself. These will allow you to decode H.264 videos and play .mp4 files.
If you're on a MAC, you should be able to play these files straight out from your QuickTime player (this will also work on Windows using QuickTime 7.1+). You can also consider using
MPlayer for OSX.
The video plays, but it lags. What should I do?
If you experience lag, it means that your computer is not well equipped to play x264 files. You may need to upgrade your computer in order to play these files.
**Some people found that playing H.264 files in BSplayer may also lag, so if you are using this player, you might want to try a different one.
Will these files work on my DivX player?
Unfortunately, no. Hana Kimi is encoded with the H.264 codec that is incompatible with DivX players on the market thus far.
Then why did you encoded the files with this codec?
The codec is efficient and produces very nice quality videos at low bitrates. The file size would have needed to be doubled to produce the same quality if we used the XviD codec.
What is the difference between "hardsubs" and "softsubs"?
Hardsubs are videos with embeded subtitles. Subtitles are directly encoded onto the video so that they cannot be separated (subtitles become part of the video image). As a result, translations in hardsub files cannot be modified.
Softsubs are subtitles that come in a small text file. Special softwares (or players) are required to play these softsubs together with the video. Translations and/or timing can be easily modified in softsubs.
Can I redistribute your files?
(Fansubs include softsubs and hardsubbed files, and video broadcasting sites include but not limited to: youtube, veoh, etc.)
Do not sell our fansubs (ie. charging for downloads, auctioning on eBay).Please do not alter our fansub work (altering includes: editing our subs or cutting short excepts of our videos and reposting them).
Please do not "borrow" our fansub work without permission (borrowing includes: using and/or copying a portion of our translations and using them as your own).
If you redistribute our hardsubbed files, please credit SUBlimes and post a link back to our blog or the d-addicts forum.
If you want to post the softsubs elsewhere, you can directly use the subtitles download links posted at d-addicts, such as:
Please DO NOT hardsub our subtitles and redistribute them without permission.
For hardsubbed files, please DO NOT re-encode and add any type of logo onto them. Please redistribute the file as is.
They will be further refined if necessary.
Why is it taking so long to sub one episode???
The first thing is that we all have lives outside of subbing.
An episode depending on a drama will never take the same amount of time as another. SUBlimes aims for quality -- and you should never rush quality. ;)
Can you send me the .srt files for [insert drama name]?
Unless the softsubs have already been released during the drama's regular release period, we will not release the .srt/softsub files. If you would like to translate our subs into another language, please feel free to translate from our hardsubbed videos.