Smiling Pasta's episode 3 subs are finally released!!!
>> Thursday, August 17, 2006
WOW...after taking a long break and then working on episode 3 bit-by-bit, the subtitles are finally released! Whoo~
This episode took me longer than usual because my energy was drained out after working on the first two episodes of Silence. Nonetheless, innerouter2000 has finally returned from her exams (YAY!) to work on the Silence project...>whew<...
Keep an eye on The Magicians of Love subtitles thread or this site for more 183 Club videos!!
thanks fufu so much for the hard work!!! can't wait to see 183 Club MVs' subs ^^
Thankssss for subs of episode 3 :D I REALLY loved this episode haha... Rita is actually a very nice person... but, she does have an underlining of jealousy towards Xiao Shi... it's interesting. I can't stand that whole "girl who turns crazy psycho because the guy who's supposed to like her doesn't like her anymore" ><; lol Anyway, thanks for subbing!!!
thanks fufu for subtitle episode 3~~~ keep up the hard work.
thanks for episode three. `been anticipating for it since forever :p now im really anxious to see ep. 4! hehe well keep up the good work guys (:
Have re-watched the episode with subtitles. Now I know some of the interesting parts that I don't understand since my mandarin was not that good ^o^ Thanks for the subs, really appreciate your works =)
weeee!!! keep up the good work ^0^.... thanks soo much for subbing smiling pasta =).. can't wait for episode 4 =D
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