Will Pan MVs
>> Saturday, December 20, 2008
More Will Pan music videos.
Check them out!
Say You Love Me (2007): Youtube stream
Lizard Stroll (2003): Youtube stream (the very first single)
More Will Pan music videos.
Check them out!
Say You Love Me (2007): Youtube stream
Lizard Stroll (2003): Youtube stream (the very first single)
© Simple n' Sweet 2009 & SUBlimes Fansubs 2010
have you guys heard of The Same Regret by Pan Wei Bo? it was in miss no good somewhat.. but i've been looking for translations for that but can't seem to find one.. not saying that you guys should sub it or anything just saying.. :)
thanks for subbing these and everything else though! much appreciated! :D
This is completely off topic but I have a question for you fufu. Are you an admin over at travelsuperlink dot com? I was doing some googling and ran across your SN at that site but wasn't sure if it were the same person. If it is, just wanted to let you know your article really helped me out! If it's not, then consider this message really random and just be amused. ^^;;
thank you very much, we're so lucky to have him xD, he's so cute =), i melt when i hear his voice!
man the chick in the say you love me video ticked me off. you'll notice by the comment. it won't be hard to miss. she was really petty.
i didn't finish the 2nd one. not my cuppa.
I like Pan Wei Bo. His very handsome you know...
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