Hana Kimi Episode 3 AND a new project?!
>> Monday, January 01, 2007
Hana Kimi episode 3 hardsubs:
Click here to go to download page
The episode looks okay to me, so it should play fine for everybody. As for episode 2, please use GOM player if you need to fast-forward or rewind the episode. If you refuse to use GOM player, you can always re-encode it to something else (please don't ask us HOW...)
A new project in planning:
This should be more or less good news to everyone since it means you might get to watch yet another subbed Taiwan drama...hahaha...
We're definitely thinking about subbing the upcoming drama, "Corner With Love", starring Alan Luo and Barbie. If you're interested in helping us out, drop me an e-mail at sublimesfansubs@gmail.com. IF you've sent me an e-mail before offering help for Hana Kimi, but would ALSO like to help with this project, send me another one ;) (I might not have replied your e-mail yet because we currently have enough subbers for Hana Kimi)
As always, we're looking for translators!! (QC'ers are chosen from translators)
Well, it never hurts to send me another e-mail because I'm VERY forgetful.
i'm looking foward to it!
thank you!
thanks a million , much appreciated , and i'd love to see corner with love subbed since by that time smile pasta will probably be finished ^^
Ooh, Corner With Love would be great - would you be releasing softsubs?
^0^ thanks for HanaKimi ep. 3 <33
woaahh~ "Corner with Love" <3333
i'd really appreciate it :)
and i love you guys!!!!
YESS ! thanks for hana kimi
Thanks so much you guys are the best!
Hi! Thank you for your patience in subbing this. If it's not so bothersome, please upload Hana Kimi 3 in Megaupload or Sendspace. Thank you very much!
W00t!! You guys rock! Thank you sooo much -^.^-
Oh, thanks for the new Hana-Kimi ep subs. I swear I'm like addicted to the show. Plus I can't wait for "Corner With Love" it's going to be so good. You all rock! :D
Wow, I love you guys for doing things. Thanks for being such a great Sub Group!
OMG ..
please anyone help ..
d-addicts isn't working for me, for about 2 weeks and counting .. so I can't log in there ..
can anyone please be kind enough and give me th direct link to torrent file pleeeeeeeeas T_T
there you go... but I don't have to log in O.o
Thx for the new episode ^^
I have also a question: can you translate the names in the opening, too? i have problems to remember who is who ;_;
only when it doesn't take that long of course ^^
thanks again!
yayay thank you!! love hana kimi!! can't wait for the next one..
Thank you so much for all your wonderful subbing! I really enjoy watching TW dramas and it's awesome that there are people dedicated to translating for those of us who don't understand. :P Love ya!
thankyouuu soooooo much for planning on subbing Corner With Love!!!!!!
Yay! Eps. 3 of HanaKimi!! Thank you so much!
yay episode 3!! thanks so much. such a great episode. great subtitles. :)
I WISH I COULD UNDERSTAND MANDARINNN ~.~ but i speak cantonese AND I WISHHH I KNEW HOW TO READ CHINESE T.T ooo subbing=FUN i wanna helpppp!!! =[ Thanks for everything!!! always subbing the dramas i loveee <3 U GUYS ARE THE BESTTTTT
THANK YOU SO MUCH! you dont know how thankful i am!! once again, thank you so much for uploading these Hana kimi episodes! PLEASE CONTINUE! ^_^
Thank you for the subs!
cant wait for Corner With Love and the rest of Hana-Kimi !! thanks alot ! <3
Ahhh...Thanks in advance for subbing CWL!!! You guys are wonderful!!! Love you all! <3
thank you sooooo much for subbing CWL, yay ^^
thx you so much and I'll will for episode4 ^^
i want to see my idol in person his is Wu chun
hope to see my idol in person, he is Wu Chun...
i wish to talk and chat with him...
eventhough not in person and its in web... its just ok...
as long as we could vhat and talk..
hope you'll allow my request..
thank u very much..
for such a wonderful series...
(hana kimi)
can't wait to see episode 3, 4 and the rest episodes...
hope to chat with you Wu Chun...
just give me your email address..
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